Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fabric scraps

Oh, what to do with those scraps. We save them and save them and save them. Like any self-respecting quilter I have a stash. Mine is very small compared to others I've heard of. I can fit all of mine in one small closet. Still I feel the need to whittle it down, especially the ugly fabrics that I'm not sure why I hold on to them. I have some scraps people have given me, some that I have bought and some from quilts and garments I have sewn. I also have those fabrics that fall into the category of "what WAS I thinking?". Some most have been appealing at the time but the colors from the late 80's no longer seem to fit into my color schemes.

This week I finally started on the much thought about scrappy quilt. I have been cutting 6-inch and 5-inch blocks. I started out cutting 5-inch then I found a large stack of 6-inch squares that I bought a long time ago. I have plenty of fabric to make one quilt in 6-inch blocks and one in 5-inch. I'm talking about large king-sized bed quilts.

Here is a picture of a large number of 5-inch blocks

Some of the ugly fabric is already starting to look better just by being in small squares and next to some "pretty" fabric. I guess I shouldn't be so biased about the ugly fabric.
Since I got sick of cutting today after about 300 squares, I started sewing things together. Here are a few pieces together.

Hopefully there will be more updates soon on this quilt and happy updates at that!

1 comment:

Boondock Ma (Kim's Mom) said...

Hi Pat! I didn't know you were on blogger! Cool! You've done a great job with your blog.
Love the crazy quilt! I've got a thing about symmetry as well, but something about crazy quilts just warms my heart.

Really like how your pieces are going together on this quilt. Looking forward to seeing your progress on it.
