Sunday, July 2, 2017

My sister's quilt

Fair warning - If this blog was written on paper, there would be tear stains on it.

In 2008 I posted about a quilt I made for my sister in 2005. The beginning of the red quilt
It was a simple quilt made from 10-inch squares and hand tied. My sister and her husband liked the quilt but their dog Sadie LOVED the quilt. She would growl if they tried to make her move. She had never been that way about any other blanket but she loved the red quilt.

In 2014, I blogged about the quilt again Remaking my sister's quilt

In 2015 my sister mentioned when the time comes she wants to bury the quilt with Sadie. Honestly, my first reaction was a bit of shock. Then I thought about I made the quilt to comfort my sister and if that brings her comfort then she should do it. A few days later I came up with the idea of dividing the quilting into two quilts. My sister was all for that! She said she had thought of it but hated to ask. 

I had not put the ties close enough together which caused the batting to disintegrate. I cut the quilt, replaced the backing and batting, and machine quilted each piece. Now Sadie had her quilt and my sister could use the other half as a lap quilt.

Earlier this year the time came for Sadie to take a final trip to vet. She had gotten to the point where she only slept and ate. She had been having seizures and other medical problems, was practically deaf and blind. My sister and BIL decided to have her cremated instead of buried. They took Sadie's quilt with her on that final car ride. She laid on it while they said their good-byes and the vet helped her cross over. I cried and still cry to think of sweet Sadie Mae. She had been with them since she was a tiny pup and was such a good dog. 

Early in June my BIL went on a solo camping trip that he had been planning for months. He did not return when expected. A search was planned for the morning of June 7th. Sadly his body was found the evening of June 6th. We are all devastated. He was 61 years old. He and my sister had been together over 19 years. They completed each other. Between the two of them they have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. 

He loved the outdoors so his memorial service was held at a location that held special meaning to him and my sister. It was a very informal service. He was also a musician so some of his musician friends came and played music that reminded them of him.

When my sister arrived for the service she brought some items that he loved. I turned around to see the following:

She had brought one of the red quilt's because he loved it. I've never been so touched and happy to see one of my quilts. (I'm crying again) He was also a craftsman. He was always very complimentary of my craft work. 

Now there are quilters who are appalled at seeing quilts used as dog beds and put on the ground. But not me. As I wrote in 2014, I made the quilt to be used and to bring comfort to my sister. I think it now brings comfort to her in ways I never imagined. It may have not been made from the most expensive fabrics nor did it take thousands of hours to make but I know I will always remember it. 

RIP Sadie Mae and Push


Dell said...

:: weeping:: Thank you, my precious sister. They both loved that quilt, as do I. This blog post is a beautiful telling of this quilt's story.

Unknown said...

TY for the touching story.I agree quilts sould be loved and udsed. Pets love things also

Mary said...

I don't think anyone could read that without tearing up - especially if they ever loved a dog or a sister!

Rhonda said...

Touching story. This is why we make Quilts. We make them for the warmth, comfort, love, and life it brings to a home and a family. I believe this quilt brought all of that to your family. It will remain in the hearts and minds of generations to come as I imagine it will be the story told to grandchildren for many generations to come. God Bless.

Donna said...


Anonymous said...

What a touching and wonderful story. I too had a dog, Dakota, that loved a blanket she had gotten as a baby. We buried her with it. My husband asked if I was sure that is what I wanted done. I said yes, this blanket has brought her so much ch comfort and it will continue too.

Anonymous said...

As hard as it may have been in the beginning, your quilt succeeded in achieving the loftiest purpose . . . it was loved and used. God bless you and those who found the comfort in your craft.

Anonymous said...

You are right, quilts were made to be used and loved or is it loved and used.? :) Much love and Blessings.

Dee D said...

Thank you for the reminder that quilts are to be loved and used, even by our four footed family members.

Penny said...

Sorry for your loss. Even tho I'm crying now I loved reading your touching story and that you reminded us all the true meaning of a hand made quilt given as gift. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. Now where are those tissues!

Unknown said...

I am sure glad your sister and her family used their quilt and cherished you talents! I have a quilt that my grandma made 50-60 years ago and Gran used her quilts and if you did not use one she took it as a sign you did not like it! My pooch sleeps on the quilt every night and usually has my cat curled up beside him! Granny would be proud we love and use her precious quilts!!!

Unknown said...

Wonderful story filled with love! Thanks for sharing and making us aware that there are others (even with 4 legs) that love what we do too!

Unknown said...

What a wonderful and touching story. We all hope to touch the heart of the person when we give a gift, especially one that we made with them in mind. You succeeded tremendously. God Bless.

Lana said...

I hand stitched a quilt once and my bunny had the same reaction. When she passed, she was 10 yrs old, I carried her to our vet wrapped in that little quilt...I have slept with that quilt every night since. (I washed it of course) but it brings me comfort too. I cried reading this post and am glad you were able to do this for them...Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story. I cried reading it. I love quilting and have many favorites but they are material things and a beloved animal is part of your family. Your baby so to speak ,so yes I would give up a quilt anytime. Thank you for the beautiful and wonderful story

Pretty Curious said...

Lovely story, and wonderful example of why we do it, and why it doesn't matter if it's perfect or not. We make quilts to wrap our loved ones with a piece of us. If I love you, I will make you a quilt. If you love me, you will use it.