Friday, January 11, 2008

Things other than sewing

As if I don't have enough to do in life, I am working on my Master's degree in Computer Science. The classes are all online which is great because there is some flexibility about when I "do class". The semester started this week and I'm taking 2 classes this time. A class on Programming Languages and a class about Project Management. The Project Management class will also meet the continuing education requirements for my Project Management Certification.

Project Management Certification is through an organization call PMI. The certification makes me a "PMP" - Project Management Professional. If you are interested in Project Management, go to PMI is not just about computer project management but any type of project management. You become a PMP after taking a difficult test and meeting other experience requirements. Then to keep certification, you have to do a certain number of continuing ed hours every 3 years. Since I suffered through the testing, I figure it is worthwhile to keep up the certification.

Taking college classes online is interesting. The big downside is I miss the interaction with other students that happen around classes. I miss that chance to chat with other students about the current class, what to expect from other classes, and what to expect from instructors. The up side is the flexibility of "going to class" when it is convenient to me, at least the type classes I'm taking are set up that way. The instructor posts the lecture, sometimes just text, sometimes audio as well. Depending on the instructor, the tests may have to be completed in one day or there may be a week to complete them.

I do hope to do some sewing this weekend in the midst of work, housework, and studying.

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